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Performance evaluation

Version history

VersionDateDifference between versions
1.02024-02-19Assignment of scores for DP
2.02024-03-04Assignment of scores for S1
3.02024-03-23Assignment of scores for S2
4.02024-05-05Assignment of scores for PPL
5.02024-05-20Assignment of scores for WPL

1. Agreed Individual Performance Evaluation

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus101010101010601
Campos Mejías, Gonzalo101010101010601
Chasco Barry, Marco101010101010601
Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro101010101010601
García Berdejo, José María101010101010601
García Casillas, Jose Miguel101010101010601
García Ruiz, Manuel101010101010601
Garcia Aguilar, Javier101010101010601
Herrera Lobo, Nicolás101010101010601
Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto M.101010101010601
Martín Acuña, Joaquín101010101010601
Medina Duran, Alejandro101010101010601
Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander101010101010601
Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio101010101010601
Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco101010101010601
Gavira Serrano, David101010101010601
Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro101010101010601

2.Individual Contribution Summary

Devising a Project (#DP)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:
    • Week 1 Script
    • Review Rubric
    • Coordination Minutes
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • Task Tracking Excel Sheet
    • Team Score Calculation Excel Sheet
    • Coordination Minutes
  • Week3:
    • Week 3 Script
    • Delivery Preparation
    • Coordination Minutes
    • Quality Assurance

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Charter Minutes
    • SWOT Analysis
  • Week2:
    • Responsibility Register
    • Business Statement
  • Week3:
    • Software Project Development and Management Manual (Backend)
    • Deployment and Continuous Integration Section
    • Workflows (Backend)

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • Requirements Elicitation Questionnaire
    • Communication with NGOs via Gmail for Information and Meeting Arrangements
  • Week2:
    • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Week3:
    • Individual Performance Evaluation Form
    • Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog Excel Sheet

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Charter Minutes
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • ACAT Minutes
    • Requirements Management Plan
    • SWOT Document
  • Week3:
    • Alternatives Analysis

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation
  • Week2:
    • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week3:
    • Next Sprints Planning
    • Quality Assurance

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Requirements Elicitation Questionnaire
    • Business Type Identification
  • Week2:
    • Scope Management Plan
  • Week3:
    • Mockups
    • Detailed Requirements Elicitation

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • Commitment Agreement
    • Cirio Costal Minutes
  • Week2:
    • Communications Management Plan
  • Week3:
    • Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary and Work Breakdown Structure
    • Responsibles
    • Mockups

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Cirio Costal Minutes
    • Frontend Minutes
    • Client Identification
  • Week2:
    • Discord Statistics
    • Explanation Document for Bot Usage
  • Week3:
    • Mockups
    • Docusaurus Landing Page

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • Team's Main Objective
    • Creation of the G7 Knowledge Management Base
  • Week2:
    • Risk Register
    • Creation of the G7 KMB and Tutorial on How to Use It
  • Week3:
    • Contributions Document to the G7 Knowledge Management Base
    • Front-End Manual

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Business statement
  • Week2:
    • Core cases
    • Presentation
  • Week3:
    • Quality Assurance
    • Presentation

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Competitor Analysis
  • Week2:
    • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week3:
    • Improvement of AI Document

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Charter Preparation
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • ACAT Minutes
    • Requirements Management Plan
    • SWOT Document
  • Week3:
    • Alternatives Analysis

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Stakeholder Register
    • Technical Involvement Level
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • Requirements Register
  • Week3:
    • Mockups
    • Risk Register Improvement
    • Team Performance Measurement

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:
    • Quality Analysis and Improvement Process
    • AI Utilization
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week3:
    • Quality Analysis and Improvement Process
    • Quality Assurance

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation
  • Week2:
    • Implementation of Search Engine for Team Knowledge Base
    • Structure and Reporting of AI Usage in Team Knowledge Base
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week3:
    • Functional Requirements Elicitation
    • Elevator Pitch
    • Presentation
    • Quality Assurance

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week1:
    • Assumption Register
  • Week2:
    • Tools Analysis
  • Week3:
    • Software Project Development and Management Manual (Backend)
    • Roles Change in Risk Management Plan

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Main Use Cases
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week2:
    • Presentation
    • Quality Assurance
  • Week3:
    • Commitment Agreement
    • Potential New Needs
    • Presentation
    • Quality Assurance

Sprint 1 (#S1)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:

    • Follow-up section
    • Lessons learned register
    • Update Commit Agreement in docusaurus
  • Week2:

    • Bluejay section in docusaurus
    • Acceptance criteria and use cases in docusaurus

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Testing module in backend
    • Authentication module in backend
  • Week2:
    • Listing product backend
    • Development workflows backend

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • Cost tracking docusaurus
  • Week2:
    • Individual performance evaluation form
    • Improve TCO
    • Lessons learnt register docusaurus
    • Problems register docusaurus

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • API calls for patient creation
  • Week2:
    • API calls for family details

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Sprints re-planification docusaurus
    • API calls for patient listing
  • Week2:
    • API calls for product creation

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend ACAT login screen
    • Frontend CyC login screen
  • Week2:
    • PPTX first version
    • Frontend CyC items
    • Frontend CyC users
    • Frontend ACAT users

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend ACAT list appointments
  • Week2:
    • Pilot users management

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend ACAT patient listing screen
    • Frontend CyC family listing screen
    • Frontend CyC family creation screen
  • Week2:
    • Tools Stats docusaurus

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend CyC initial components
    • Frontend CyC family details screen
  • Week2:
    • Frontend ACAT initial components
    • Update BGCC
    • Add estimations to the Sprint Backlog

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • API call for patient details
  • Week2:
    • API call for appointment listing

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Changes log docusaurus
    • Database schema
  • Week2:
    • Dynamic import organizations endpoints
    • Frontend deployment

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Change request management plan
  • Week2:
    • Theory pills notes sprint 1

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend ACAT interventions detail view
  • Week2:
    • Frontend CyC food list screen
    • Individual performance docusaurus

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:
    • Connect Bluejay repos
  • Week2:
    • PPTX script W4
    • IA usage update W4
    • iTop initialization

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend ACAT patient creation view
  • Week2:
    • Elevator pitch
    • Google Forms for pilot users
    • Frontend ACAT detail view of patients

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week2:
    • API call for appointment creation

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Data model
    • API call for family creation
  • Week2:
    • Estimated expenditure and income
    • API call for family listing

Sprint 2 (#S2)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:
    • Create landing page
    • Show stats in docusaurus
  • Week2:
    • PR template
    • Update CA and performance evaluation
  • Week3:
    • Code quality follow-up

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Refactoring test in backend
  • Week2:
    • Intervention schema update
  • Week3:
    • Populate backend
    • Backend automatic changelog channel

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • TCO
  • Week2:
    • Update Pilot User manual
    • Update on cost monitoring
  • Week3:
    • Improve individual and team performance

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Refactoring test in backend
  • Week2:
    • Password recovery
  • Week3:
    • Update and delete intervention in backend

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Refactoring test in backend
  • Week2:
    • API call for delivery listing
  • Week3:
    • Improve and update IA usage report
    • Update and delete person in backend

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Code refactoring in frontend
  • Week2:
    • Fix searchbar modal buttons in mobile view
  • Week3:
    • PWA
    • Intervention editing and deletion in frontend

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • Connecting frontend with backend
  • Week2:
    • Create Story Board
  • Week3:
    • Food details, editing, and deletion
    • Derecognised beneficiary listing
    • Show expiry date in frontend

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Code refactoring in frontend
  • Week2:
    • Fix sidebar links to creation functionalities
  • Week3:
    • PWA
    • Beneficiary editing and deletion

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • Export and import data to excel
  • Week2:
    • Code refactoring in frontend
  • Week3:
    • Update BGCC
    • Family editing and deletion in frontend

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Code refactoring in backend
  • Week2:
    • API call for delivery creation
  • Week3:
    • Update and delete delivery

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Implement backend with MongoDB
  • Week2:
    • Refactoring test in backend
  • Week3:
    • Improve and update IA usage report
    • Import data from excel

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Add documentation to docosaurus
  • Week2:
    • Theory Pills notes
  • Week3:
    • Populate CyC mock data
    • Create graphs "Expenses and Revenues" and "project status"

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Connecting frontend with backend
  • Week2:
    • Food delivery management
  • Week3:
    • Warehouse listing, creation and deletion
    • Password recovery

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:
    • Prepare iTop for pilot users
  • Week2:
    • Standardise the boards
    • Legal aspects of the project
  • Week3:
    • Pilot User CA
    • Review CyC release

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • Consume backend API for Login/Logout, and entity creation
  • Week2:
    • Pagination in frontend
  • Week3:
    • User listing, editing, and deletion
    • Derecongised family listing

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week1:
    • API call for delivery details
  • Week2:
    • Refactoring test in backend
  • Week3:
    • Update and delete patient

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Code refactoring in backend
  • Week2:
    • Database schema update
  • Week3:
    • Backend handbook
    • Update and delete user and family

Sprint 3 (#S3)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:
    • Update stats
  • Week2:
    • Expected aspects review
    • FC terms review
    • Review deliverable

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Backend bug fixing
    • Get intervention by ID
    • Delete intervention
    • Update python dependencies
    • Expand backend test suite
    • Fix populate script
    • Deploy documentation to gh pages
  • Week2:
    • Load testing
    • Add chaching to backend
    • Update auth module

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • Update TCO
  • Week2:
    • Update TCO
    • Update performance evaluation

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Improve ROI chart
    • Update pilot user feedback
  • Week2:
    • Update problem register and management
    • Update software review guideline
    • Update pilot user feedback

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation script
    • PPL planning
    • Record a DEMO
  • Week2:
    • Killer openenr and main presentation story
    • Update planning
    • Record and edit a new DEMO

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Convert the application into a PWA
  • Week2:
    • Vacations to compensate for the work done in the previous sprints

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • Update and delete food
    • Convert storyboards into an advertisement
  • Week2:
    • Payments (Donations)
    • Improve the advertisement

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Convert the application into a PWA
  • Week2:
    • Implement email validation trhough an API

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • Update BGCC
    • Presentation
  • Week2:
    • Update BGCC
    • Presentation

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Vacations to compensate for the work done in the previous sprints
  • Week2:
    • Advertising campaign

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Pagination in backend
    • Create, get and delete product api call
    • Update product api call
  • Week2:
    • Filters in backend
    • Automatc deployment in AWS
    • Apply pilot user feedback to backend

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Improve presentation charts
    • Update Commitment Agreement
    • Add new theory pills notes
    • Update burndown chart
  • Week2:
    • Update presentation charts

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Intervention panel on beneficiary view (ACAT)
  • Week2:
    • Filter and search

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:
    • Validations and error handling in frontend
  • Week2:
    • Implement security in frontend
    • Implement Dashboard for CyC

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation
    • Pagination in frontend
  • Week2:
    • Make changes to the frontend based on pilot user feedback

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week1:
    • Develop testing plan
    • Update self-assesment to boolean values
  • Week2:
    • Improve testing plan
    • Self-assesment Sprint 3
    • Update Commitment Agreement
    • Update AI usage

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation script
    • Docusaurus document re-structuring
  • Week2:
    • Presentation

Preparing Project Launch (#PPL)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:
    • Update Frontend Tests
  • Week2:
    • FC Terms Review
    • Expected aspects review
    • Update CA
    • Create presemtation and script

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Backend Validations
  • Week2:
    • Deployment Manual
    • Backend updates

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • User manual initial version
  • Week2:
    • Update performance evaluation
    • Update user manual

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Community management actualizaciones
    • Launch campaign
  • Week2:
    • Future work section
    • Update briefing
    • Update information provided by pilot users

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Create initial WPL DEMO
    • Edit investors advertisement
  • Week2:
    • PPL demo
    • Prepare PPL thematic
    • Prepare WPL killer openenr
    • Edit PPL demo

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Skeleton Loaders
  • Week2:
    • -

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • Improve team section
  • Week2:
    • Print, crop and distribute

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Skeleton loaders
  • Week2:
    • -

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • Update Frontend tests
    • Create presentation and script
  • Week2:
    • Update BGC contributions

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • Plan investors advertisement
  • Week2:
    • Users advertisement
    • Crate investors advertisement

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Backend validations
  • Week2:
    • Backend endpoints
    • Excel import

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Thoery pill notes
    • Business plan
  • Week2:
    • Print, crop and distribute
    • Business plan profitability
    • Update AI usage
    • Reflecting on lessons learned
    • Update charts
    • Update all charts

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Data filtering
  • Week2:
    • -

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:
    • Frontend fixes
    • Docker deployment
  • Week2:
    • Perform as pilot users for G1
    • Update pilot user CA
    • Update pilot users performance evaluation
    • Team morale Statistics
    • Update software review guideline

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • Adding allergens to families Frontend
  • Week2:
    • -

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week1:
    • Search engine optimization
    • Add carbon footprint section
  • Week2:
    • Contact cloud and api services
    • Add PPL sel-assesment
    • Add PPL time effort

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Presentation script
  • Week2:
    • Presentation script
    • Personas section

World Project Launch (#WPL)

Bernal Caunedo, Alvaro Jesus:

  • Week1:
    • Update landing page
  • Week2:
    • Update tests
    • Update PPTX and script
    • Deliverable

Campos Mejías, Gonzalo:

  • Week1:
    • Update deployment manual
    • Add refresh token notation to auth module
  • Week2:
    • -

Chasco Barry, Marco:

  • Week1:
    • Update performance evaluation
  • Week2:
    • Update performance evaluation

Gallardo Pelayo, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • WPL self assesment
  • Week2:
    • Future work section

García Berdejo, José María:

  • Week1:
    • Prepara WPL killer opener
  • Week2:
    • Update WPL demo
    • Update advertising

García Casillas, Jose Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • -
  • Week2:
    • -

García Ruiz, Manuel:

  • Week1:
    • -
  • Week2:
    • -

García Aguilar, Javier:

  • Week1:
    • Skeleton loaders
  • Week2:
    • -

Herrera Lobo, Nicolás:

  • Week1:
    • -
  • Week2:
    • Update BGC contributions
    • Deliverable

Lopez-Benjumea Novella, Alberto Miguel:

  • Week1:
    • -
  • Week2:
    • Choose best marketing actions

Martín Acuña, Joaquín:

  • Week1:
    • Imports and exports CyC ad ACAT
  • Week2:
    • Deployments

Medina Duran, Alejandro:

  • Week1:
    • Update project status
    • Create Dockerfile
  • Week2:
    • Update all graphs for the WPL deliverable
    • Backup test creation

Montoya Albitres, Ronald Alexander:

  • Week1:
    • Update user manual
  • Week2:
    • Improve user advertisement
    • Change WPL Investors Advertisement

Rodríguez Ruiz, Antonio:

  • Week1:

    • Team morale Statistics
    • Update Software Review Guideline
    • Update pilot user information
    • Imports and exports CyC and ACAT
  • Week2:

    • Perform as pilot users for G1
    • Deployed Software Review
    • Software Reviewer Guideline

Sebastian Benitez Ruis Diaz, Francisco:

  • Week1:
    • -
  • Week2:
    • -

Gavira Serrano, David:

  • Week1:
    • Update marketing
  • Week2:
    • Update CA

Gonzalez Frias, Alvaro:

  • Week1:
    • Update AI usage
  • Week2:
    • -